Crocheting Workshop

Crocheting Workshop

We were happy to have our volunteer tutors lead a Crochet Workshop on 2 March 2024. Our two voluntary tutors provided giant woolen threads for students to experience crocheting, making their own patchwork blankets.

The tutors first introduced crochet and demonstrated in action. Instead of the usual knitting threads, giant woolen threads were used during the workshop, so that students can simply use their hands to knit, instead of the usual crochet hooks.

The instructor taught students the techniques of twist knotting, flat knotting, thread management, etc., and then allowed students to choose their own color and the size of the end product. The patchwork blankets could be for the students themselves or their family and friends. Crocheting provided the opportunities to let students matching colors and learn to be patient. Students could train their hands as well.

Result sharing session had come. Everone’s blankets looked perfect!


Voluntary tutor:

Ms. Halana

Halana is currently a part-time master's degree student of the Hong Kong Baptist University. She loves interacting with kids and teaching. After graduating from overseas, she worked as a teaching assistant in a local primary school. She enjoys greatly in doing crochet during her leisure time, she hopes that the children can share the same passion as hers.

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